Town of Clifton Forge, Virginia
A Highlands Treasure

Jefferson/East Elementary School Feasibility Survey


Option 1: Download the paper copy and mail the completed survey to the address below.

Town of Clifton Forge Virginia - Jefferson_School_Feasibility_Study_Survey

Mail complete survey:

Town Hall of Clifton Forge, Va.
547 Main Street
Clifton Forge, Virginia 24422

Option 2:  Submit the survey online!

The Town of Clifton Forge recently received a Community Impact Grant to conduct a feasibility study for the Jefferson/East Elementary School. This study is intended to engage with community stakeholders to identify what they would like to see this building used for, then develop a concept for the building's reuse based on this input. This concept, once developed, will be shared with the community and used to attract potential developers for the project. We would like to hear from you on what you envision for this important building in our community. This survey should take you 5-10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and input!

Q1 Do you live or work in Clifton Forge?
Q2 Do you support the revitalization of the Jefferson/East Elementary School?
Q3 What types of uses would you like to see in the Jefferson/East Elementary School? (select all that apply)







547 Main Street Clifton Forge, VA 24422

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Find the Town Hall

Town Hall of Clifton Forge, Va.
547 Main Street
Clifton Forge, Virginia 24422
Google Map Directions

Office Hours: M-F 8:30am to 5pm

Distances from
Clifton Forge, VA

To Douthat State Park: 5.7 miles
To Covington, Virginia: 13 miles
To Humpback Covered Bridge: 16 miles
To Falling Spring Falls: 18 miles
To Lexington, Virginia: 29 miles
To The Omni Homestead Resort, Hot Springs, VA: 35 miles
To The Greenbrier Resort, White Sulphur Springs, WV: 36 miles
To Roanoke, VA: 44 miles
To Blacksburg, VA: 77 miles
To Charlottesville, VA: 95 miles
To Charleston, WV: 150 miles
To Richmond, VA: 166 miles
To Washington, DC: 218 miles

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